State Youth Brass

SABA State Youth Brass


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State Youth Brass
About SA Youth Brass
The purpose of the band is to provide a facility for the youth of the South Australian Band Association (SABA) to extend their musical knowledge and appreciation, develop their skills, promote SABA further afield, and to enjoy the pleasures of rehearsing and performing amongst like-minded enthusiasts.

The annual brass band summer camp and tour provides a unique opportunity for young brass band musicians. Currently, there is much on offer for young wind and string musicians generally, such as the Adelaide Youth Orchestras, the Adelaide Wind Orchestra, and many school-based ensembles and festivals, but there is nothing distinct for brass band youth. Furthermore, brass band instrumentation is generally not accepted in many ensembles, therefore limiting opportunity.

The participants are 24 years and under, and come together to rehearse for three days in mid January, followed by a three-day concert tour.  This is a wonderful musical and educational experience for the participants, as well as an opportunity for networking and companionship. In addition, the tour offers people in rural communities an opportunity to attend live music concerts, which may not be as accessible as it is for people in the city.
Club: SA Band Assoc Inc
General public contact: Anthony ROGERS
Music Director:
Rehearsal venue: SABA State Youth Brass rehearsals are held in the regional area of each years' Camp & Tour

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