Exec Committee
The President of South Australian Band Association has the overall responsibility of the management of SABA.
Together with the Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and the General SABA Exec committee members, they oversee all aspects and the running and promoting of SABA and SABA Member bands.
More details about this position
Together with the Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and the General SABA Exec committee members, they oversee all aspects and the running and promoting of SABA and SABA Member bands.
Vice President:
To act on behalf of the South Australian Band Association President in the President's absence
To maintain the list of registered members and bands of South Australian Band Association
State Contest Convener:
The Contest Convener is the key coordinator and facilitator of competitions run by SABA
Committee Member:
Association Administration
To maintain the list of registered members and bands of South Australian Band Association
The Newsletters coordinator is responsible for colating Member band news and events and publishing this information on the SABA Website
Currently unfilled
Contest Committee
The composition of the Contest Committee changes every year and seeks to include a broad range of skills of our many band volunteers.
State Contest Convener:
The Contest Convener is the key coordinator and facilitator of competitions run by SABA